Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

Exploring Pyramid Schemes

We all know that we want something better for ourselves and our families. Yet that all too familiar “pyramid scheme” thing is out there, causing fear and anxiety and yes, sometimes people get taken.  A friend posted the following video on my Facebook page. It’s full of dry humor, but does a pretty good job of exploring pyramid schemes.

After you watch this video, you just might want to download the free book, Success in 10 Steps which outlines what it takes to be successful in your own home-based business. All kinds of training is available through Mentoring for Free and all at no cost to you. Why? Well, it’s important to offer value to people.

If you are going to be successful, you need to know what to look for when you are exploring your options of available businesses. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and blindly jump in joining this or that business because somebody said it would be great. Learn how to analyze the business for yourself before you jump in! Really look at the opportunity and the support offered. Choose your mentors carefully. Then, and only then, JUMP!